
Reading Time: 3 minutes

From the Desk of EB

Do the unthinkable…While achieving the impossible. – EB

Pivoting doesn’t necessarily mean you have to start over.  Pivoting simply means assessing where you are, making changes as needed, continuously using what’s in your hands, and get to the end result using a different route.

The way my life is set up right now…I know it is definitely time for a major pivot.  I’m looking at what needs to get done and what it will take to get those things done.  I’m looking at what needs to change within my business, tools that needs to be more utilized, and people that have served their season.  Do I wish I were not in a pivoting moment of life? I sure do because that means change needs to take place…BUT what do they say about insanity? Something along the lines of if you keep doing the same things expecting different results is complete insanity.  I don’t know what the exact words are but I’m sure you now what I mean.  I have felt as if I have been on the brink of going insane by doing the same thing, having the same conversations…and not seeing any change or results.  So I am now pivoting unapologetically. 

You may be in a pivoting moment in your life.  It’s OK!!  It may be needed.  Or you may be stuck in a place and you don’t know which way to pivot.  Here are some things you may need to consider:

  • Are you holding up progress in any area of your life? If so, how and what do you need to change?
  • What or who no longer serves this season of your life?
  • What have you NOT been doing out of fear and you need to pivot now?

There are other things to consider, but if you start with those questions I am positively sure other things will come up for you to ponder on.

Just know that you are not alone in the process.  If you need someone to chat with…just reach out!

Madd Luv – EB

Information and Documents

  • Faith Impact Study – We will begin the Faith Impact Study on Saturday, May 27, 2023.  

  • MAFIA Lyfe Prayer – Starting next month (June 2023), we will be coming together to pray the FIRST Monday of every month.  If you want to join us, click the MAFIA LYFE PRAYER button to add the call information to your calendar. 

  • TimeMAPP – Do you struggle with time management and/or procrastination?  Join us for our next LegaciUPskill session to learn how to maximize your time on a regular basis. 

EB (pronounced Ebb) is a force of nature - an unconventional business advisor and life hacker. With over 20 years of experience in business advisory and consulting and a passion for helping people divorce their comfort zones, she’s been dubbed the ‘comfort whisperer’ because she knows just how to crack through comfort zones and help her clients reach amazing heights. EB knows intuitively how to read the field of play, recognize opportunities, and create an impeccable strategy that takes advantage of her expertise and deep understanding of business dynamics. With EB as your LegaciPartner, you can finally realize the success that has eluded you for so long.

EB is a Community Influencer, Creative Thought Leader, Founder of PurposedPartners, Co-Founder of Legaci Circulation, Galvanizer for MAFIA Lyfe Faith Community, mother, mentor, and a voice for those who have been silenced. She is an influential author whose words serve notice for immediate change on both the powers of darkness, as well as those who would take the easy way out. In a phrase she has evolved into a Divine Disruptor of all realms she finds herself.

If you are stuck, she can help. If you are unsure, she is there. If you still don’t believe that God is doing a “new” thing, she will demonstrate. If you just need your mind blown, give her a call! Your life, business, ministry, family, vision, expectations, and purpose will never be the same.

  • Growth, Pivoting, and Scaling
  • Leadership Development
  • Leadership Engagement
  • Teammate Development
  • Teammate Engagement
  • Systems and Tools
  • Process Mapping 
  • Curriculum Development
  • Knowledge Transfer


  • Life/Purpose Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Upskill Coaching

Project Based

  • App Design
  • Branding Kits
  • Branding Strategy
  • Book Publishing
  • Business Formation/Set-up
  • Curriculum Development
  • Digital Product Designs
  • Event Planning/Management
  • Funnel Buildouts
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Non-Profit Formation/Set-up
  • Podcast Buildout/Implementation
  • Process Mapping and Documentation
  • Product Development
  • Project Management
  • Systems Automation Set-Up
  • Systems Implementation
  • Website Design (New Design/Re-Design)

Virtual Support 

  • Administrative Support
  • Audio Editing
  • Billing/Collections
  • Bookkeeping
  • Community Management
  • Customer Service/Concierge
  • Funnel Management
  • Podcast Management
  • Project Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Talent Management
  • Video Editing
  • Website/Blog Maintenance

EB is available for:

  • Advisory/Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Corporate Projects
  • Community Projects
  • Forums
  • Podcasts
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Workshops

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