Be OK…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

From the Desk of EB

Do the unthinkable…While achieving the impossible. – EB

As I reflect on the things that I am being “pressed” to do, I can only be reminded that I have everything within me to accomplish what needs to be accomplished.

I have literally been pressing through a dull headache for the past few days.  Maybe because of me having a “sleepless” weekend (I’d have to explain later.)…Or maybe because my mind has been going a 777 miles a second and I have  A LOT to get out on paper, on a website, within a podcast, etc.  

You may be “pressed” to get some things done.  You may be in a place of not knowing where to even start.  Just take a moment to get quiet to receive the downloads that you need to receive and be in a space of being ok.  Be OK with not knowing it all.  Be OK with having to ask for help.  Be OK with being “chosen” to do what you are called to do.  Be OK with authentically being you. 

Videos to Watch

Glory Triggers 

For the Streets 

Information and Documents

  • Your Relationship with the Church – The Study File is ready to access.  Click on the MAFIA LYFE STUDY FILES button to access all files. 
  • MAFIA Lyfe Prayer – Starting next month, we will be coming together to pray the FIRST Monday of every month.  If you want to join us, click the MAFIA LYFE PRAYER button to add the call information to your calendar. 
  • TimeMAPP – Do you struggle with time management and/or procrastination?  Join us for our next LegaciUPskill session to learn how to maximize your time on a regular basis. 

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Reading Time: 3 minutes From the Desk of EB Do the unthinkable…While achieving the impossible. – EB Join the Community Join Now LegaciUP and Connect with EB Connect Now…


Reading Time: 4 minutes From the Desk of EB Do the unthinkable…While achieving the impossible. – EB Join the Community Join Now LegaciUP and Connect with EB Connect Now…
